Steam Account Switcher
This application is quite old; developed in 2019. Steam Account Switcher (SAS) is a windows application written in C# (WPF) that allows users to easily switch accounts on Steam.
As gamers, my friends and I like to play different genres of games. We might achieve different competitive ranks that prevent us from playing with each other, to circumvent this, we would create new accounts. Additionally, it is common to have games on certain accounts while not on others.
It quickly became repetitive and annoying to log into different accounts, we would constantly have to retype and re-enter our credentials. Some of our accounts could also be quite old and we might lose/forget the credentials. This is where the Steam Account Switcher (SAS) steps in, an application that allows you to save different credentials locally on your device and helps you to log in.
How It Works
For SAS, it was built using WPF. The main decision for choosing WPF was because I was building a lot of web apps using ASP.NET at the time, so naturally I continued on the ecosystem.
Adding accounts allows the user to create profiles for easier logins. Upon adding the accounts, the details would be encrypted and stored locally into a XML file.
Cross Platform
One of the goals of this project was actually to make it cross platform. At the time, Steam for linux was not a big thing yet and MacOS did not support a lot of games. So I decided that I would make this a windows utility only.
Cloud Storage
I also wanted to build was to make the application handle cloud storage (data being stored on a server securely). However, I decided against this as this could lead the application to have security vulnerabilities and this meant that the user has to be connected to the internet all the time.
The project is finished and I will not be making any changes to it. In the future, I might make an electron version of this application that is cross platform compatible.